We are Disfruta Geralia!

Geralia is owned by a Colombian family from Boyacá, a region located in the center of the country which is a famous large fruit and vegetable growing area. Due to the variety of topographical elevations in Colombia, Geralia is able to offer different kinds of fruits and pulps throughout the year such as Golden berries, Passion fruit, Hass avocado, yellow dragon fruit, Mangosteen, Tamarillo, Maracuja, Baby mango, Baby banana, Feijoa and many more. 

What makes us different

Flexibility and adaptability

We are capable of quickly responding to specific requirements.

Logistic partners

Thanks to our network of producers, allies, and strategic partners, we are able to provide a wide range of products throughout the year.

wholesalers: Best prices for you!

We, as wholesalers, provide competitive prices for high volume orders.
